Texting 999
Did you know about texting the emergency number to 999 instead of calling?
This is an amazing new service especially for people who are in vulnerable situations (young people/domestic abuse victims) where they are not able to call for help as they may fear being heard or retaliation.
In order to use the service you must REGISTER YOUR PHONE FIRST.
It takes a whole 1 minute!
Send the word 'register' in an SMS message to 999
You will then receive SMS messages about the service
When you have read these SMS messages reply by sending 'yes' in an SMS message to 999
You will receive a SMS message telling you that your mobile phone is registered or if there is a problem with your registration.
Staying Safe at Home
Many parents, carers and their children will now need to be at home to stop the spread of Coronavirus. Download these useful suggestions for staying emotionally, physically and mentally healthy during this challenging time. We hope this information provides you with helpful ideas you can adopt within the home.
What you should know about The Momo Challenge
Momo is a sinister ‘challenge’ that has been around for some time. It has recently resurfaced and once again has come to the attention of schools and children across the country. Dubbed the ‘suicide killer game’, Momo has been heavily linked with apps such as Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, and most recently (and most worryingly)… YouTube Kids.
Download the guide below to keep your child safe online.
Internet Safety
We held a coffee morning for parents to learn about how to keep their child safe online. A lot of the parents agreed that the information was very useful. Here are some of the resources and guidance so you too can learn how to keep your child safe.
Further resources about how to keep your child safe online:
The Ultimate Parental Guide to Protecting Your Child on the Internet - https://vpnvanguard.com/the-ultimate-parental-guide-to-protecting-your-child-on-the-internet/
Internet Safety:
Caller Smart: https://www.callersmart.com/guides/73/parents-guide-to-internet-safety-keeping-your-child-safe-online
Child Net: http://www.childnet.com/resources/smartie-the-penguin
Maths Doctor: http://www.mathsdoctor.co.uk/online/child-safety/
Net Aware: https://www.net-aware.org.uk/
Protect Young Eyes: https://protectyoungeyes.com/apps/
Have you heard of Pokémon Go?
Here is some advice to help keep you child safe: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/pokemon-go-parents-guide/
Safeguarding your home
There has been an increased number of reported burglaries and attempted burglaries around Tottenham.
Burglary is a serious issue and the police are targeting burglars in London.
You can take steps to help protect your property. Here are a few tips:
Install a visable security alarm to deter burglars – and use it!
Lock all doors and windows wheneven you leave your home – even if you are only going out for a few minutes
Lock your shed or garage
Install external lights at the front and back of your home – this can make burglars feel vulnerable and at risk of being seen
Make sure no valuables are on sight through your windows and letterbox
Click here, to visit the Metropolitan Police site for more advice and helpful tips on how to prevent burglary.
Call your local police on 101
In an emergency always call 999
Safeguard your mobile phone
Having your phone stolen is a hassle. It's not just the handset you lose; it's the numbers, messages and photos too. Thieves are opportunists, so don't make yourself an easy target. Knowing how to protect your mobile and keep it safe will save you a lot of inconvenience and stress.
We accept no responsibility for the content of external websites. Correct when last updated.