For all attendance matters, including sending proofs of absence, email: attendance@sevensisters.haringey.sch.uk
We take very seriously our responsibility to educate your child and want to work in partnership with you so that your child gets an excellent education in order that their life’s opportunities are maximised. As you know, you have a vital role to play too and the very foundation of the support you can provide is ensuring that your child attends school regularly and on time.
It is worth remembering that for the majority of children regular attendance at school is the norm. Do not let your child become one of the exceptions.
If you have any concerns or difficulties with your child’s attendance, please feel free to contact the school.
If a school can improve attendance by 1%, they will see a 5-6% improvement in attainment.
(Department for Education)
Please help us and your child by ensuring their attendance remains above 95%, allowing them to achieve their potential.
Being on time:
Gets the day off to a good start.
Sets positive patterns for the future.
Helps your child to make the most of their learning.
Helps children to develop a sense of responsibility both for themselves and for others.
Being late:
Gets the day off to a bad start.
Can put everyone in a bad mood and can be stressful.
Can be embarrassing for both parent & young person.
Is noticed by others, who may make negative comments.
May damage your child’s confidence.
Disrupts the learning for everyone.
Can create a bad habit.
Can lead to poor attendance.
May lead to children feeling confused or missing out on vital information & instructions at the start of the day.