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If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 






You can register your child now.

Nursery Application form Final 2024 - Google Forms



All three and four year olds are entitled to receive 15 free hours of early education each week for 38 weeks of the year.  Eligible three and four year olds can also get the extended15 hours (30 hours free).


We provide this in our lovely Nursery and newly-refurbished playground attached to it.  We offer morning or afternoon sessions with an opportunity for you to pay for additional hours if required (subject to availability).



Morning (Monday-Friday, term time only)



Afternoon (Monday-Friday, term time only)


Full time (two consecutive weekdays, term time only)8.30am-3.30pm



We provide 30 hours free funded childcare and Tax Free Childcare to eligible families.  To find out if you are eligible, visit the Childcare Choices website.




Register your child for a Nursery place by downloading and completing the 'Expression of Interest Form'. Return by post, email, or in person:

Post: Nursery Admission, Seven Sisters Primary School, South Grove, Tottenham, London, N15 5QE

In person: At the main school office


Reception 2024

Starting school in September 2024.


Was your child born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020?


If so, you can apply for their place now to join our school for Reception 2024.

Even if your child attends Nursery, you must apply as they do not automatically move on to Reception. 


Click here to download the Haringey ‘Reception or Junior School’ admission booklet for information about how to apply.  It includes SEND schools, schools which require ‘supplementary forms’ and what to do if you want to apply for a school in a different borough.


The easiest way to apply for your child’s place is online at:

  • It’s secure and easy
  • You will receive email confirmation that your application has been received
  • You can make changes to your application up until the deadline
  • You will find out the result of your application before paper applicants


To complete your application, you will need:

  1. Access to a valid email address
  2. Your latest Council Tax bill

  3. A gas, electric or water bill dated within the last 3 months

  4. Your child’s passport, full birth certificate, current Child Benefit letter or NHS medical card


For help and support contact Haringey Admissions Service

Telephone: 020 8489 1000



You must apply before the deadline: Monday 15th January 2024


Key dates for your diary


1st September 2023

Applications open

15th January 2024

Application deadline

16th April 2024

Offer day/online outcome. (Online applicants will receive notification of their offer in an email. Paper applicants will be sent an offer letter.)

1st May 2024

Acceptance deadline (online applicants should accept their offer online)

17th May 2024

Appeal deadline




In-Year Transfers

How your child can join our school. 


If you are moving into Haringey or would like to move your child from another school, you will need to complete an online application.


Click here to be directed to Haringey's 'School Application for In-Year Admission'.


Click here to be directed to the Haringey In-Year admission page for more information.





Secondary 2024

Transferring from Seven Sisters Primary School to secondary school September 2024.


Was your child born between 1st September 2012 to 31st August 2013?


If so, you must apply for a secondary school place for them now for a place beginning September 2024.

The deadline to apply for a secondary school place is 31 October 2023.


Click here to download the Haringey 'Secondary School' admission booklet for information about how to apply. 


Find your local secondary schools:


Open events and virtual tours:



Apply online for a place at:


Alternatively, you can email or call the number below to have a paper form posted to you.

Haringey School Admissions Service

Telephone: 020 8489 1000


Key dates for your diary


1 September 2023

Applications open

31 October 2023

Application deadline

1 March 2023 

Offer day/online outcome

Online applicants will receive notification of their offer in an email

Paper applicants will be sent an offer letter

15 March 2024

Acceptance deadline - online applicants should accept their offer online

15 April 2024

Appeal deadline



How are we doing?


We want to know your thoughts and experience about our admission process.


Click here to give your feedback


We continually gather feedback to help us improve our support to all our families.
