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Seven Sisters Primary Nurture Hub

Seven Sisters Nurture Hub

Seven Sisters Nurture Hub has been commissioned by the London Borough of Haringey to provide a space for children who need access to therapeutic intervention.  Children are referred by their Haringey school to the Hub and have a bespoke programme put in place to enable them to understand their social and emotional needs.  In turn, this allows them to be able to access learning so that they successfully reintegrate back to their school.  Throughout their placement, they are dual-rolled with their referring school and staff members visit weekly to foster positive learning relationships. 


In the Hub we aim to ensure that all children feel valued as part of our community.  It is important for them to be self-aware in order to develop their sense of self.  Our focus is each child’s personal, social and emotional development.  We work to develop their empathy and social skills, providing them with a fuller understanding of their own needs and emotions as well as those of others. 


Through developing positive relationships, we help the children to gain an understanding of themselves, other children and our wider community.



Our targets for each child


  • To understand how my experiences have shaped me and who I am
  • To understand my boundaries, barriers and triggers
  • To talk about myself positively
  • To understand how I fit into the wider community
  • To reflect and be aware of my actions
  • To know how to keep myself and others safe
  • To build and maintain healthy relationships
  • To feel comfortable around others
  • To be proud of my achievements and those of others
  • To feel part of my Hub family and grow together
  • To be empathetic towards others


Our Curriculum


Alongside our work on developing social skills and resilience, we work to provide each child with an ambitious and personalised curriculum.  We work alongside the Nurture UK principles, completing Boxall profiles on entry and exit. 

Our safe and supportive environment encourages them to take risks and develop a growth mindset towards their academic abilities, giving them the confidence to face new challenges and experiences in preparation for their return to mainstream education.

Our Staff 

Emma Murray, Head Teacher


Emma Murray, Head Teacher



Tara Welch, AHT Inclusion and Nurture Lead (Pictures to follow )


Jane, Nurture Hub Teacher 


Denise, Specialist SEND Nursery Nurse


Maria, Specialist SEND Nursery Nurse 


Val, Specialist SEND Nursery Nurse


Dean, Teaching Assistant 


Sally, Hope In Haringey Counselling 




















